Join Ergo for a career, not a job
As we emerge from the worst of the pandemic lockdown, we are entering a different world of work, a hybrid combination of home and office enabled by new technology. The solutions that we implement have become a part of everyday life and something that most businesses are thinking about if not investing in. It’s inspiring, but it’s not entirely surprising. I tell everybody that joins Ergo to be ready for a rollercoaster ride because we are working with game-changing technologies that never stand still.
I’m a Practice Lead at Ergo, specializing in Microsoft Modern Workplace, arguably the leading technology in workplace transformation and productivity. Ergo is globally recognized for our work in this area – we were awarded Modern Workplace Partner of the Year two years running and have been named Microsoft Country Partner of the Year an unprecedented five times in ten years.
Awards are great, but what really makes Ergo different is our uniquely business-focused approach, which means that even techies like me have to be comfortable explaining the solution to non-technical people. It’s a useful reminder about why we do what we do, that technology only has value if people are actually using it and appreciate the benefits.
That said, my team’s work is all about cutting-edge technology. One of the things I enjoy is being part of the bigger picture, keeping up with a constantly evolving cloud platform, always adopting new technologies, and finding new ways to use them to increase productivity. I have a weekly call with our team where we basically ‘talk tech’, sharing bits and pieces we’ve picked up. There’s a great team spirit and shared interests that see us meeting up in and outside of work.
Cutting-edge projects and teamwork
Another thing that sets Ergo apart is the scope and complexity of the projects we work on. With my team I have implemented some of the biggest workplace modernization projects in Ireland. For Glen Dimplex, we consolidated 30 separately trading companies spanning 21 countries into a ‘One Dimplex’ entity. With UDG Healthcare, the challenge was to integrate eight independent environments across the US and UK into a central Microsoft 365 tenant run out of Ireland. There was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it.
Each new project becomes its own learning curve because every client is different. And the good news for new hires is that they will be in at the coalface from day one. There will always be a mentor available to lend a helping hand with everything they do, but we are great believers in learning through experience in the real world. Project to project, we track their progress and make sure each new assignment is a little bit more advanced than the last.
Upskilling is at the core of Ergo and its success, but even more important is passion. If a hiring decision comes down to someone who’s technically competent or someone less experienced but highly motivated, more often than not the motivated candidate will get the job.
Personal growth and career paths
The point about being motivated and having a strong work ethic is that you will be appreciated and encouraged to develop at Ergo. The company has a great track record for nurturing and rewarding talent. When I started over a decade ago, I was a freelance contractor looking for some work between college. I became a full time IT Engineer in 2012, made a Senior Consultant Engineer in 2014 and never looked back. Three years ago, I was promoted to Modern Workplace Practice Lead.
My career trajectory is not uncommon in Ergo. I’m working with colleagues who have been here much longer, moving through the ranks to achieve senior leadership positions. This is a company that likes to promote from within, rewarding internal talent while nurturing a culture of people who understand “the Ergo way”.
Upskilling people is what makes this possible. My own journey, like the career progress of my team, is marked by new qualifications and certifications. The result is that I’m one of the most certified Microsoft engineers in the country. Last year, I topped it off by becoming a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Office Development, the most prestigious and hard-earned award that Microsoft issues.
This is as much about Ergo as me, a company that wants to help people realize their potential. It’s about offering a career in tech, not just a job, and instilling leadership qualities in people that will benefit their own lives as well as the business.